In This Issue: |
June 12, 2015 |
• Big HALO FOR HIRE update
– Artist Glen Orbik (1963-1915)
- Artist Laurel Blechman on board
– Richard A. Lupoff to pen intro |
• Early Kuttner Combo price increase
• Thunder in the Void – almost OOP
• Like us on FACEBOOK – we haz prizes!
Big update for
by Howard Browne
It is with a sad heart that we share that GLEN ORBIK, the artist hired for the dustjacket of Howard Browne’s HALO FOR HIRE, passed away last month after a long battle with cancer. He was 51. We began working with Glen in 2012 while he handled other clients as well as his aggressive therapies. In dealing with Glen we also worked with his long-time partner, artist LAUREL BLECHMAN.
Last year Laurel wrote: “I just finished reading the HALO books so we could start getting compositional ideas (we always work those out together) & i wanted to say how much fun they were to read! Glen & I are both fans of Film Noir. I’m looking forward to seeing them in print with Glen’s cover—these HALO stories are such a kick. Thanks for turning us on to Paul Pine, Private Eye.”
Having admired Laurel’s work (some of it for the same clients as Glen) since 1997, we recently asked Laurel if she wanted to take on the HALO FOR HIRE commission. She replied:
“I would really like to be able to paint the HALO cover. The books were so much fun—I read part of them aloud to Glen & we had been playing with thumbnail ideas . . . If you have a little time, I would love to do the cover. And I want to do a top notch job. I feel like I would be doing this for both Glen & me.”
So, today, we are pleased to announce that LAUREL BLECHMAN will be taking on the cover duties for HALO FOR HIRE.
Additionally, we are pleased to announce that RICHARD A. LUPOFF will be providing the introduction for HALO FOR HIRE. Dick writes: “What, me do an intro for Howard Browne’s HALO FOR HIRE? I would not only be willing, I would be thrilled and honored to do it. He was not only a talented writer and editor, he was a dedicated teacher and one of the least ego-driven and generous-spirited persons I’ve ever met. BTW, the last time I saw Howard, I had visited him in Carlsbad along with my producer and studio partner, to record an interview for a local radio station. He gave a fascinating interview and told us some fascinating anecdotes, including one about his encounter with Raymond Chandler… Anyway, by all means, count me in for HALO FOR HIRE. I believe I’ve read all of Howard’s books—the HALO novels, his late SMP novels, the two Tharn books … I look forward to refreshing my memories of his work. And my recollections of the man, who was a real larger-than-life character!”
Coming later this year is the long-awaited follow-up to TERROR IN THE HOUSE: THE EARLY KUTTNER, VOLUME ONE is the second volume of early Kuttner: THE WATCHER AT THE DOOR.
Legendary fan Robert A. Madle handles the foreword to this 700-page collection of 30 (count ’em!) Kuttner Koncoctions from the pages of WEIRD TALES, THRILLING MYSTERY, STRANGE STORIES, FANTASTIC ADVENTURES, SCIENCE FICTION, STARTLING STORIES, and more.
We are taking preorders now for this title. Even better for those of you that missed on getting a copy of Volume One: for a limited time (and inventory on TERROR is v-e-r-y low!), we are offering the out-of-print TERROR IN THE HOUSE as a combo with preorders of THE WATCHER AT THE DOOR. It won’t be cheap (and we recently raised the combo price!), but it will be easy. See the homepage for the combo offer at www.haffnerpress.com.
The 100-copy slipcased edition of TERROR IN THE HOUSE (signed by introducer Garyn G. & Roberts, PhD & editor Stephen Haffner) is closer to completion and features an exclusive chapbook THE GRAB BAG that we hope will spur you to consider adding this item to your shelf.
The contents of THE GRAB BAG:
• Two collaborations between Henry Kuttner & ROBERT BLOCH:
-”The Black Kiss” from Weird Tales, June 1937
-”The Grab Bag” from Weird Tales, Spr 1991
• The extant letters of H.P. LOVECRAFT to Kuttner—newly edited by S.T. Joshi and David E. Schultz.
• The nine known poems by Henry Kuttner
• A gallery of the interior artwork from the original pulps for the 40+ stories that appear in TERROR IN THE HOUSE.
We were recently caught flat-footed on orders of THUNDER IN THE VOID by HENRY KUTTNER when we unexpectedly depleted inventory here at the Secret Moon Base.
Not to fear (in the short-term), we will have inventory on hand early next week to fill all open back-orders.
BUT! This is a sure sign that THUNDER IN THE VOID is in the same boat as DETOUR TO OTHERNESS and both titles may go out of print without further notice.
We’ve been on Facebook since 2010 and currently have more than 650 LIKEs.
Nearly 200 of these have been added since the first of the year, so it appears that our increased use of Facebook for press-releases, announcements, and sharing of trivia and ephemera is working. Surely it may have *something* to do with the $40 Gift Card that we draw at random for every 50 new LIKErs who join our little corner of cyberspace.
So please join us there and keep informed and entertained on some of your favorite authors.
And consider visiting the Facebook page for COLLECTED EDMOND HAMILTON. This FB page also us a more narrow focus on Edmond Hamilton and all his works—including those we won’t be reprinting such as his work on Batman, Superman, the Legion of Super Heroes, etc. for DC Comics.
That’s it for now. To ensure that you continue to receive this newsletter, be sure to add haffnerpress@sbcglobal.net and info@haffnerpress.com to your email reader’s “safe list.” And, remember, shipping is FREE in the continental United States. Alaska, Hawaii and International orders should email us at info@haffnerpress.com for shipping rate quotes. You have been warned! |
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• Keep Watching the Skies! •