In This Issue: |
March 28, 2018 |
starts shipping April 1st (no foolin’!)
We are (mostly) recovered from exhibiting at the March 18th Los Angeles Vintage Paperback Collectors Show in Glendale, CA. We were able to get a few cartons of HALO FOR HIRE: THE COMPLETE PAUL PINE MYSTERIES from the bindery to the show and the gentle folks below were kind enough to autograph copies purchased at the Haffner Press exhibit:
Laurel Blechman (cover artist), Stephen Haffner (editor), Richard A. Lupoff (introduction), Melissa Flagstad (afterword & Howard Browne’s daughter), Trond Flagstad (the face of the face of Paul Pine)
We are still acquiring and staging the balance of the inventory of HALO FOR HIRE — it’s a 1000-copy run and over 900 pages! — so we are holding the $50 pre-publication price until April 15th. Meanwhile, visit our Flickr page for more pics from the show.
Howard Browne
Introduction by Richard A. Lupoff
Afterword by Melissa Flagstad
Cover by Laurel Blechman
$60 928-page Smythe-sewn Hardcover
PRE-APRIL 15thORDER PRICE: $50Contents:
Halo in Blood
Halo for Satan
Halo in Brass
“So Dark for April”
The Taste of Ashes
“The Paper Gun”
Paul Pine and the Shelter Cats
No, it’s not the name of a cover-band — it’s how yer humble Poobah spends a bit of time chillaxin’ at the Catfé Lounge tinkering on your future wares. The Catfé Lounge is part of the Ferndale Cat Shelter and all these beauties are adoptable! With hardly any coaxing at all (ahem!), we had a few of our favorite kittehs pose with the new HALO FOR HIRE book:
(l to r) Ascot, Jinxy, Shepard, Stormy, Artemis
What’s Inside Your HALO?
As seen in a photo above, we have striven to pay homage to the design aesthetics of the first editions of the Paul Pine novels. The foil-stamp for the front board of the 1946 hardcover of HALO IN BLOOD is echoed in the omnibus HALO FOR HIRE and the title page for each novel is stolen takes inspiration from the Bobbs-Merrill first editions.
Are You Looking for a New Friend?
While most of you who receive this e-newsletter aren’t local to the Ferndale Cat Shelter, we encourage you to take a “mew-ment” to visit your local pet-adoption center and make a new friend. Meanwhile, we want to thank the special felines who modeled for this newsletter:

Ascot – Waiting to meet you!
Jinxy – ADOPTED!
Shepard – PENDING!
Stormy – ADOPTED!
Artemis – “I’m a new kitty and I’ll be available soon!” |
That’s it for now. To ensure that you continue to receive this newsletter, be sure to add and to your email reader’s “safe list.” And, remember, shipping is FREE in the continental United States. Alaska, Hawaii and International orders should email us at for shipping rate quotes. You have been warned! |
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