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PRESS RELEASE – Long lost Henry Kuttner story coming from Haffner Press!!

K r a z y   K o o k y   K u t t n e r   K o r n e r     

J u l y  18,  2 0 1 9

   We have a LOT of news to share before the end of summer and we’re keeping this issue focused on a single title, but boy-o-boy have we found a way to make it even more special for you! Without further ado: Welcome to this special edition we’re calling Krazy Kooky Kuttner Korner.  

Henry Kuttner & Frederick B. Shroyer circa 1939

   It’s taken more than 8 years to assemble the relevant components and we are very, very pleased to announce . . . 

The long-lost serial by
Henry Kuttner

(illustration by John V Baltadonis)

   Submitted by Kuttner on January 6, 1937, the 3500-word terror-tale “Master of the Damned” was serialized in three issues ( July 1937, Vol. 1 No. 2, Winter 1937 Vol. 1 No. 3, and November 1938 Vol. 1 No. 4) of John Weir’s hectographed fanzine FANTASMAGORIA. The story involves witches, warlocks and . . . well, here’s Mr. Kuttner’s chilling prose to give you a sample:

   Incubi and succubi leaped and cried beside shrieking hags. Warlocks bestrode yelling mooncalves that cavorted through the throng, and demons and familiars mingled with the coven. A monstrous, bloated head, leering and chuckling, crawled past on spidery legs, and in its wake crept a thing like a monstrous turtle, save that human hands and feet propelled the creature on its way. Curiously deformed toads and serpents squirmed underfoot, and great cats, monstrously altered, capered in the wake of their masters. I saw a headless thing, with a grinning face growing on its belly, rush up to the altar, carrying a tall black candle, and light it from the red flame that sprang, apparently, from the ground itself before the altar.

YIKES! And there are 3,380 more words to the story!! Speaking of which, how can you get a copy of “Master of the Damned”? Well, if you’ve placed a preorder for DESIGNS FOR DREAMING: THE EARLY KUTTNER, VOLUME THREE, then you’re already in line to receive it! You read that correctly: “Master of the Damned” is available as an exclusive chapbook shipping with all preordered copies of DESIGNS FOR DREAMING at no extra charge!
   So, get on board, smash that Preorder link
, and make your Kuttner book kollection something that everyone will krave!

Getting low in stock:

The Early Kuttner,
Volume Three
Introduction by Dr. Garyn G. Roberts
Cover art by Robert Gibson-Jones
ISBN: 9781893887879
700+ pages
Smythe-sewn binding
Full cloth-covered binding boards
Target Date: April 2020Preorder: $45

Introduction by Garyn G. Roberts, Ph.D.
The Elixir of Invisibility (nv) Fantastic Adventures Oct ’40
To Boatl and Back (ss) Strange Stories Oct ’40
Reverse Atom (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories Nov ’40
Threshold (ss) Unknown Dec ’40
Death Is My Daughter (ss) Strange Detective Mysteries Jan ’41
Remember Tomorrow (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories Jan ’41
Wings of the Bat (ss) Thrilling Mystery Jan ’41
Hunger After Dark (ss) Terror Tales Mar ’41
Men Die Alone (ss) Thrilling Mystery Mar ’41
The Land of Time to Come (na) Thrilling Wonder  Apr ’41
The Touching-Point (ss) Stirring Science Stories Apr ’41
Seven Keys to Doom (ss) Thrilling Mystery May ’41
Tube to Nowhere (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories Jun ’41
Mind Over Murder (ss) Spicy Mystery Jul ’41
A Skull Has No Ears (nv) Thrilling Mystery Jul ’41
The Devil We Know (nv) Unknown Aug ’41
The Blood Is the Life (ss) Thrilling Mystery Sep ’41
The Tree of Life, (ss) Astonishing Stories Sep ’41
A Gnome There Was (nv) Unknown Oct ’41
Chameleon Man (nv) Weird Tales Nov ’41
Design for Dreaming (nv) Unknown Feb ’42
The Burning Corpse (nv) Thrilling Mystery Mar ’42
Later Than You Think (ss) Fantastic Adventures Mar ’42
Silent Eden (ss) Startling Stories Mar ’42

Posted in Uncategorized on July 18, 2019 @ 12:14 pm | Comments Off

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